Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. We all have a role to play to protect young people and vulnerable adults from abuse or harm.
So what is safeguarding? Put simply safeguarding is making sure people are safe and can live their lives in the way they want to, free from abuse, harm, or neglect.
Causing harm or neglect through abuse can come in many different forms, this can include;
- Physical Abuse
- Domestic Abuse
- Sexual Abuse
- Emotional or psychological Abuse
- Financial or material Abuse
- Neglect and self-neglect
- Modern Slavery
- Radicalisation or Extremism
Our colleagues and contractors are our eyes and ears when they’re out and about in your neighbourhood, but they’re not around all the time. If you’re ever worried or concerned about the wellbeing of your one of neighbours let us know. If you feel someone is in immediate danger, then call the police on 999.
Don’t think what if I’m wrong, think what if I’m right.
Onward has policies in place to support its approach to safeguarding, these policies are in line with government legislation. Our approach is to gather the information, record details and raise concerns to the local authority who have a statutory duty to consider the reports and take action if necessary.
If you have any safeguarding worries or concerns, please contact us. You can also call our contact centre on 0300 555 0600.