New automated phone service makes it easier to talk about rent arrears

If you’re struggling to pay your rent, we want to work with to give you the support you need – and that starts with a conversation.
So we’re launching a new automated telephone service that will ring you if you’re behind with your rent and let you know that we need to talk.
The new service is set to launch on 8 July, so if you get a call please respond.
It’s FREE for you to call us back and you’ll get straight through to someone who can help.
Don’t ignore your rent arrears… let’s talk.
Need someone to talk to about your finances?
If you’re struggling with money, you can talk to someone today.
We have specially trained Financial Inclusion advisers who can help you start sorting out your financial problems.
Please contact us in confidence on 0300 555 0600.
You can find more money advice, from budgeting to benefit changes, on our website.