Everyday Heroes: Susan & Sharon

In this series on Everyday Heroes we’re celebrating the people on the ground at Onward going above and beyond to help during this tough time. Today May Logan Centre Manager Julie shares hers.
Reception superstars
Sharon (far right in the picture) and Susan (far left) have been amazing throughout the last 12 weeks.
They continued to come into work immediately after lockdown, as the only two receptionists willing and able to work at that time. Without them we could not have continued to keep the building open, meaning essential NHS services such as Liverpool Women Hospital midwives and Alder Hey would not have been able to see their patients.
They have not only continued to come into work but done so with a smile on their faces, putting all service users at ease. They are continually adapting to the changes and challenges we are facing every day without ever complaining. I am proud to say they work for May Logan Centre and eternally grateful to them for all of the hard work, support and commitment they have shown.
Susan is a sessional receptionist who’s only been with us since September last year and was under no obligation to work during lockdown. The other lady in the picture (taken before social distancing!) is Carol Seddon who works for the NHS community Gynaecology Service.
I am looking to increase the services accessing the centre as lockdown eases. This means I will need to increase cleaning hours. Sharon has even offered to take on some cleaning hours to ensure the building meets all the necessary requirements. Now that is commitment.
Thank you to the whole team
I’d also like to say a big thank you to all the staff at May Logan Centre who have also continued to come into work during lockdown – the whole reception team, nursery staff, cleaners, managers and all of the staff who continue to work hard at home.
Our services
In the heart of the Linacre/Bootle area of South Sefton, the May Logan Healthy Living Centre helps to improve health and wellbeing, providing accessible support to the people who need it most in the areas that they live in.
Things at the centre are changing all the time in response to coronavirus and government guidance. We’re currently planning on re-opening five days a week from 29 June for appointment-based essential medical services only, 8am–5pm. We’re opening the café on Monday 15 June for a takeaway service only and the nursery is now open five mornings a week.
To find out more about how coronavirus has affected our services at May Logan Centre and keep an eye on updates as the situation changes, head over to the centre web page.
To find out more about how we’re adapting our services at Onward take a look at our dedicated coronavirus website area