Our year in review: Our Customer Annual Report 2020/21

Each year we publish our Customer Annual Report, posting it to the home of every customer and putting it online for all to see. Our Report for 2020/21 can be found here. The Report provides information on our activities over the last year, our performance and our plans for future improvements. It explains to customers how our commitment to being a resident-focused organisation has been delivered.
The last 12 months have seen progress in delivering services where we know we needed to do better. Our performance has improved but there is more to come yet. We are committed to giving you services that get better and better in the year ahead.
We know that Onward is at its best when we listen to customers. So we are strengthening our Customer Scrutiny Board and Engagement Community to help us design and deliver services that delight you.
The next 12 months will see us invest in customer homes to make them as safe, green and enjoyable to live in as possible. We will also be ramping up delivery of new affordable homes to meet growing need.