Getting your home ready for Winter

As the weather gets colder, here are some top tips to protect your home.
Test that your heating works and let us know if it doesn’t.
Carl takes you through a few simple steps to check whether your heating works in the video below.
Check your pipes and cover them if the temperature drops to make sure they don’t freeze.
Steve shares how frozen pipes can cause water damage to your home and provides step-by-step guidance on how to prevent it from happening in the video below.
Look out for signs of damp and mould.
Damp and mould can happen in any home, but it is more likely to happen in some homes than others. Looking out for signs of it happening, and reporting it to us quickly where it is found, is really important.
There are different kinds of damp and mould, and they can look quite different. Take a look at our visual damp and mould guide to help you spot anything in your home that needs attention. An easy-read version of the visual damp and mould guide is also available.
Easy-read visual damp and mould guide
If you notice any damp or mould in your home, please get in touch with us straightaway. For some people, mould can cause or worsen some health issues – so don’t delay, contact us immediately.
Get help with energy bills.
If you are worried about paying energy bills or topping up your prepayment meter, you may be eligible for a number of benefits, grants and help offered by the Government and energy suppliers.
Our Money Advice Team offer free, confidential advice about managing household budgets. They can also signpost other support you might be entitled to and provide access to emergency funds. You can get in touch with the team by emailing or calling 0300 555 0600.
Get in touch
If you need to contact us to report a repair or damp and mould in your home, you can do so by:
- visiting the My Onward Portal
- calling 0300 555 0600 or messaging 07793 795 882 on WhatsApp between 8am-6pm Monday to Friday and 10am-6pm on Wednesdays
- emailing
If you need to report an emergency repair, please call us as soon as you can on 0300 555 0600. You can do this 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.