Everyday Heroes: Lynne

In this series on Everyday Heroes we’re celebrating the people on the ground at Onward who are going above and beyond to help during this tough time. Today Dave, one of our Regional Directors, shares his.
Our Environmental Services Team Leader for Merseyside Lynne and her team have been going above and beyond to help us in our response to the COVID-19 crisis.
The Environmental Services Team was one of the first services to get back onsite after the initial pause to ensure that cleaning services (and then shortly afterwards, grounds maintenance services) continued to be delivered in our neighbourhoods.
That’s what can be seen on the surface – but behind the scenes Lynne has been instrumental in Onward’s response to COVID-19.
Behind the scenes
One of the pillars of our approach has been ensuring the provision of appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment). Our colleagues in the Health & Safety team have done a great job in sourcing supplies of PPE, but how were we going to get it all to the people who needed it across Onward?
That’s where Lynne and her team come in. She has been in the office at Brunswick dock every working day from 7.30am coordinating the efforts of the team.
One of the ways she has really made a difference is in taking delivery of supplies at the Brunswick dock office. Once there, she and the team have been putting together PPE packs according to the various requirements for different services across Onward. When the packs have been assembled, members of the team then drive them across the North West to wherever they are needed in the business.
The PPE dream team
Lynne has also been placing orders for new lots of PPE. Since lockdown came into play Lynne and her team have put together over 1000 PPE packs and have ensured these get to where they need to be.
There are five different types of PPE packs that need to be put together: dealing with fly tipping; performing Grounds Maintenance duties; cleaning; inspections; and working in our empty properties.
All packs vary in terms of their contents, but are typically made up of gloves, masks, all-in-one suits, aprons, hand sanitisers and disinfectant sprays.
Adam, Eddie, Stephen, Mark and Joe have been supporting Lynne with delivering the items across our offices. We would like to thank them all for helping to keep our colleagues safe as we continue to deliver services to our customers in the current situation.
To find out more about how we’re adapting our services take a look at our dedicated coronavirus website area