Our Safer Neighbourhoods team is still here to help

Did you know that our Safer Neighbourhoods team is still here to help with issues relating to domestic abuse and antisocial behaviour?
We’ve provided some advice on how our team can help you during the covid-19 crisis and how you can find additional support.
Domestic abuse support
The new government advice to stay at home will present a whole new set of challenges for residents experiencing domestic abuse.
For residents experiencing domestic abuse, there will be many occurrences where they are now having to isolate with perpetrators, leaving them unable to escape from the abuse.
Domestic abuse or violence is a crime and should be reported to the police. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger you should call the police immediately on 999. If you’re unable to speak on the phone, coughing or tapping in 55 on the keypad will signal to the call operator that you are in danger, allowing them to send officers to your location.
There are also ways which Onward can help and support victims of domestic abuse including:
• Advice and support on restraining orders and injunctions
• Make referrals to partner agencies
• Consider additional security features for your property
• Support you claim benefits you may be entitled to
If you’re a victim of domestic abuse or worried about another Onward resident that is suffering domestic abuse please contact us.
We’ve also provided some useful links too:
• nationaldomesticviolencehelpline.org.uk
• womensaid.org.uk
• refuge.org.uk
• victimsupport.org.uk/crime-info/types-crime/domestic-abuse
• gov.uk/guidance/domestic-abuse-how-to-get-help
• citizensadvice.org.uk/family/gender-violence/domestic-violence-and-abuse
• respect.uk.net
• mensadviceline.org.uk
Antisocial behaviour support
There has been a rise in antisocial behaviour due to schools now being closed and uncertainty in homes.
In these uncertain times, it is especially important to feel safe in your home and our team are still here to help.
To find out more about what defines antisocial behaviour, please head here.
To report antisocial behaviour, you can fill in our online form to report antisocial behaviour or call us on 0300 555 0600.
We’ll be in touch as soon as possible to find out more or give you some advice.
You can also report crime and antisocial behaviour anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
If you’re really concerned or scared, please call the non-emergency police number 101. Or if you feel it’s an emergency, always call 999.
Our Safer Neighbourhoods team will do what they can to deal with all reports of antisocial behaviour and domestic abuse over the phone and will be able to support you and help you find further help.
For the latest coronavirus customer updates take a look at our website