Greater Manchester & Cheshire
Hattersley and Mottram residents get online

Hattersley and Mottram residents recently got the chance to brush up on their IT skills, thanks to a free social media workshop organised by Onward Homes.
The week-long course was aimed at people looking for work, and provided an introduction to social media for business.
The training was funded and facilitated by Jobskilla and co-ordinated by Onward.
Those attending were shown how to create an online profile to help make connections with potential employers, and given advice on CV writing and interview preparation.
The course took place at the Hub (off Stockport Road) last week, where 14 residents picked up three level 1 awards in; Understanding Enterprise, Social Media for Business use and Employability.
And to help support continued learning, course attendees got to take home the laptop used during their classroom learning.
Resident Simon Davison, said: “I’ve got lots of ideas and this helped me to focus them. It’s given me some good ideas on how to set up my own horticultural business on Facebook.”
The training is part of Onward and Tameside Borough Council’s partnership commitment to provide training and employment opportunities to Hattersley and Mottram residents.
Work, skills and training co-ordinator, Matthew Lee, said: “The training was a great success. Building on this we’re also looking to introduce a variety of free monthly skills based courses at the Hub in the New Year. If you live in Hattersley and Mottram and would like to find out more, please get in touch or pop into the Hub for a chat!”
Contact Matthew on 07718 569 970 or email to for further information.