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Expression of Interest Form – Greater Manchester
Expression of Interest Form – Greater Manchester
GM Letting Expression of Interest Form
If you need support filling out this form, please contact us.
Property Address/Area of Interest
Applicant Name
Street Address
Address Line 2
Post Code
Date of birth
MM slash DD slash YYYY
National Insurance Number
Phone Number
Do you have a Support Worker or receive support from someone that you would like us to contact about your application? If so, please provide their contact details.
All of our tenancies require a rent payment to be made in advance. Do you require any financial advice or support?
Do you have any specific contact requirements?
Audio translation
Large print
Do you or any other householder members suffer from any health issues?
If yes please give details below.
Have you or a close family member been a member of the Armed Forces?
Is there anyone else moving with you?
If yes, please give details
Additional household member 1
Date of birth
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Relationship to you
Additional household member 2
Date of birth
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Relationship to you
Additional household member 3
Date of birth
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Relationship to you
Additional household member 4
Date of birth
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Relationship to you
Additional household member 5
Date of birth
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Relationship to you
Additional household member 6
Date of birth
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Relationship to you
Do you have any pets that will live with you at the property?
Are you a Home Owner?
Have you or a member of your household been a tenant of Onward?
Please give us details of your housing history for the last five years including the address, dates you moved in/out and the type of housing (for example, home owner, living with friends or family, social housing, private rental).
Do you or anyone moving with you have savings or assets, including ownership of a property, to the value of, or exceeding £60,000?
Do you earn an annual income of £30,000 or more or do you have a joint household income of £60,000 or more?
Please give details of your employment status or which state benefits you receive.
Have you or a member of your household been charged with or convicted of, commiting a serious offence which has not been spent?
I confirm that I have read and fully understood the data protection information
Onward Homes is a controller of personal information for the purposes the UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), any personal data you have provided will be stored and processed in accordance with Onwards obligations to comply with the UK GDPR. For full details, please see Onward Homes Privacy Notice, available at
Unlike the other information captured within this form which Onward Homes collects, stores and processes under a lawful basis of contractual necessity and legitimate interest, your mental or physical health conditions and criminal convictions information is classified as ‘special category’ data under the UK GDPR legislation:
The UK GDPR considers such information to be more sensitive and needs an increased level of protection. We therefore require your explicit consent to obtain such information.
This special category information will be used for the following purposes:
• Mental and physical health conditions - We will consider your health conditions when assessing your housing need, the type of housing you require, and any additional care or support requirements you may have
• Criminal convictions - Safeguarding our staff members.
We will only use information relating to criminal convictions where the law allows us to do so, where it is necessary in relation to legal claims, where it is necessary to protect your interests (or someone else’s interests) and you are not capable of giving your consent, or where you have already made the information public.
Onward Homes is a controller of personal information for the purposes the UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), any personal data you have provided will be stored and processed in accordance with Onwards obligations to comply with the UK GDPR. For full details, please see Onward Homes Privacy Notice, available at
Unlike the other information captured within this form which Onward Homes collects, stores and processes under a lawful basis of contractual necessity and legitimate interest, your mental or physical health conditions and criminal convictions information is classified as ‘special category’ data under the UK GDPR legislation:
The UK GDPR considers such information to be more sensitive and needs an increased level of protection. We therefore require your explicit consent to obtain such information.
This special category information will be used for the following purposes:
• Mental and physical health conditions - We will consider your health conditions when assessing your housing need, the type of housing you require, and any additional care or support requirements you may have
• Criminal convictions - Safeguarding our staff members.
We will only use information relating to criminal convictions where the law allows us to do so, where it is necessary in relation to legal claims, where it is necessary to protect your interests (or someone else’s interests) and you are not capable of giving your consent, or where you have already made the information public.
In providing this information you consent to your mental or physical health conditions and criminal convictions personal information being used in this way.
I confirm that I have read and fully understand and accept the terms below. I confirm that any joint applicants have also read and fully understand and accept the terms and have authorised me to sign the form on their behalf.
Onward Homes allocates some of our accommodation according to housing need, so it is of essential importance that the information you supply to us is accurate. By signing below you are stating that you agree to the following statements. You should read this carefully before you proceed.
• I/we declare that the information given on this form is true to the best of my/our knowledge.
• I/we understand that if Onward Homes offers to provide a tenancy on the basis of a false statement made by me/us or misleading information; or if I/we withhold information which I am/we are supposed to declare then my/our application may be cancelled.
• If I/we are granted a tenancy because I/we have given false or misleading information, or because I/we have not given information that I/we are supposed to give, or have failed to inform Onward Homes if my/our circumstances change, it is an offence and my/our tenancy may be terminated and I/we may have to pay a fine of up to £5000 under Section 171 of the Housing Act (1996).
• I/we authorise Onward Homes to make whatever enquiries are necessary before they can confirm acceptance onto a waiting list.
• I/we also authorise any relevant agencies to disclose to Onward Homes whatever information is requested by Onward Homes as part of this investigation.
I understand that I will only be contacted by Onward about this home if I am shortlisted.