Enabling people to be their best
We have worked with local partners to support community groups that are making a positive impact in the area. Through the EVOLVE initiative, 12 local projects delivered by Fender Community Football Club, BSA Sports Support and Beechwood Recreation Centre, and Community Shop received grants of up to £2,000.
Providing homes our customers love
We recently completed our Ferry Court development located next to the iconic Seacombe Ferry terminal. As well as boasting one of the best views in Wirral, these 28 new apartments have been made available for social rent, helping even more people to find an affordable home
Earlier this year, we upgraded the door entry systems on all five blocks at Windmill Gardens in Beechwood. These new systems provide better security for those living at the scheme, as well as allowing customers to answer calls from any location with an intercom that connects to mobile devices.
We are building 13 new Rent to Buy homes in Wallasey using modern methods of construction to reduce long-term environmental impact. To reduce customers’ energy bills, these homes will be highly insulated, heated by renewable air source heat pumps and powered by solar panels.
Creating places people are proud of
Over the last year, we have worked closely with Merseyside Police and partners on the EVOLVE initiative in Beechwood to improve how we respond to antisocial behaviour. Together, we have reduced local cases by 40%, from 27 in 2022/23 to 16 in 2023/24.
We helped the Growing Ballantyne project access funding to facilitate a local gardening group at the allotments. Colleagues also volunteered alongside our contractor Liberty and the local community to develop Wezzy Gardens.