How will you consult with me?
In most cases, you will receive two or three notices at different stages of the process, depending on the type of consultation.
1st notice – intention
In this notice, we will inform you that we intend to carry out work or provide a service that you will need to pay for and why. You’ll receive this notice before we invite contractors to tender for the work or services. This is known as the tender process.
2nd notice – statement of estimates
In this notice, we will provide details of at least two cost estimates from contractors and confirm which one we propose to award the contract to. You’ll receive this notice once the tender process is complete.
3rd notice – award of contract
In this notice, we will confirm that we have awarded the contract to the contractor specified in the 2nd notice. Please note, we will not issue a 3rd notice if it is a public consultation.
After the final notice has been served, we will award the works or contract to the successful contractor and commence the work as appropriate.
Notice of intention to carry out work under a long-term agreement
If we have already carried out a consultation and entered into a long-term agreement to carry out cyclical work such as painting works, you will only receive one notice.
In this notice, we will inform you that we intend to carry out work or provide a service under an existing agreement as well as including a cost estimate. You’ll receive this notice after we have consulted with you about entering into the long-term agreement.